Wlicox test is perform to all enrichment score matrixes and gene sets with adjusted p value < 0.05 are used to integrated through RRA.
object = NULL,
group.by = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
col.name = NULL,
method = c("AUCell", "UCell", "singscore", "ssgsea")
Seurat object including enrichment score matrixes.
Default ident when it set to NULL. You can specify other columns of metadata.
A vector add to this Seurat object, and then it is set as the ident of Seurat object to perform differential gene sets analysis.
A name for metadata.
A vector to select enrichment score matrixes. Default all enrichment score matrixes
A list including the differential gene sets calculated by enrichment score matrixes through wlicox test. Gene sets with adjusted p value < 0.05 are regarded as statistically significant. Meanwhile, significant differential gene sets are integrated and the results are saved in a data frame named RRA. Among them, Gene sets with p value < 0.05 are statistically significant and common differential in all gene sets enrichment analysis methods.
if (FALSE) {
# load PBMC dataset by R package SeuratData
# download 3k PBMCs from 10X Genomics
pbmc3k.final <- SeuratObject::UpdateSeuratObject(pbmc3k.final)
# Seurat object
pbmc3k.final <- irGSEA.score(object = pbmc3k.final, assay = "RNA",
slot = "data", msigdb = T, species = "Homo sapiens",
category = "H", geneid = "symbol",
method = c("AUCell", "UCell", "singscore", "ssgsea"), kcdf = 'Gaussian')
# Integrated analysis
result.dge <- irGSEA.integrate(object = pbmc3k.final,
group.by = "seurat_annotations", metadata = NULL, col.name = NULL,
method = c("AUCell","UCell","singscore","ssgsea"))
result.dge2 <- irGSEA.integrate(object = pbmc3k.final, group.by = NULL,
metadata = pbmc3k.final$seurat_annotations, col.name = "ident",
method = c("AUCell","UCell","singscore","ssgsea"))